Jumat, 10 Februari 2017



TOEFL singkatan dari Test of English as a Foreign Language yaitu tes bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing. TOEFL dipakai untuk mengukur kemampuan seseorang dalam bahasa Inggris. TOEFL diperuntukan bagi mereka yang hendak sekolah ke negara-negara English-American, seperti Amerika Serikat contohnya. Ada tiga macam pilihan tes:
1.      PBT (Paper Based Test), yaitu kamu mengerjakan tes TOEFL di atas kertas. Materi tes biasanya meliputi listening, reading, dan structure.
2.      CBT (Computer Based Test), yaitu kamu mengerjakan tes TOEFL langsung di komputer. Materi tes biasanya meliputi listening, readingstructure dan ada tambahan writing.
3.      IBT (Internet Based Test), yaitu tes TOEFL kamu mengerjakan tes TOEFL langsung di komputer yang terhubung ke internet. Materi tes biasanya meliputi listening, readingstructure, writing dan ada tambahan speaking.

Tujuan Test TOEFL
TOEFL memiliki dua tujuan umum yaitu: Academic dan General.
1.      Tujuan akademik TOEFL adalah untuk tujuan pendidikan, penelitian atau yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan akademis di luar negeri, ataupun di Indonesia. Untuk paska sarjana, biasanya nilai minimal adalah 550 sedangkan untuk S1 adalah 500.
2.      Tujuan umum (general) pada umumnya digunakan dalam bidang pekerjaan, kenaikan pangkat atau tugas kerja. Banyak perusahaan yang memasang standar bahasa inggris karyawannya dengan melihat nilai TOEFL. Umumnya, nilai TOEFL minimal adalah500 untuk kenaikan pangkat standar.
Adapun rentang skor TOEFL sebagai berikut :
·         Skor TOEFL PBT: 310 - 677.
·         Skor TOEFL CBT: 30 - 300.
·         Skor TOEFL IBT: 8 - 120.
Skor TOEFL berlaku selama 2 tahun. Jika lewat dari 2 tahun, kamu harus mengambil lagi tes TOEFL. Untuk bisa mengajukan beasiswa kuliah di luar negeri, skor TOEFL kamu minimal harus 550 (PBT).


TOEIC adalah singkatan dari Test of English for International Communication, yaitu tes bahasa Inggis untuk komunikasi internasional. TOEIC lebih khusus diperuntukan orientasi pekerjaan. Jika kamu ingin bekerja di luar negeri atau perusahaan asing di Indonesia, maka kamu harus memiliki sertifikasi TOEIC. Materi tes TOEIC hanya listening dan reading. Tipe soal-soal TOEIC biasanya mengarah ke bisnis. Adapun rentang Skor TOEIC adalah 10 - 990.
Tujuan dari TOEIC lebih bervariasi dari test-test lainnya. Umumnya TOEIC digunakan untuk 3 kegunaan yaitu :
1.      Menggunakan tes TOEIC untuk kemajuan dalam korespondensi dan dokumentasi perusahaan juga dalam program pelatihan bahasa Inggris, merekrut dan mempromosikan karyawan, serta menempatkan pengukuran standar di tempat di lokasi kerja.
2.      Program bahasa Inggris menggunakannya untuk menempatkan siswa pada tingkat pembelajaran yang tepat, dan mengevaluasi kemampuannya.
3.      Instansi pemerintah menggunakannya untuk mendokumentasikan kemajuan dalam program pelatihan bahasa Inggris, merekrut dan mempromosikan serta merekrut karyawan.


IELTS singkatan dari International English Language Testing System, yaitu program tes untuk menguji kemahiran dalam berbahasa Inggris.IELTS biasanya digunakan untuk mengurus visa luar negeri, studi/sekolah ke negara-negara English-British (seperti Inggris dan Australia misalnya), pindah kewarganegaraan, dsb. Secara keseluruhan, tes IELTS membutuhkan waktu sekitar 3 jam. Rentang skor tes adalah IELTS: 1 - 9.
Ada dua versi IELTS: Academic Version (versi akademik) dan General Training Version (pelatihan umum):
·         Versi akademik diperuntukan mereka yang akan masuk perguruan tinggi dan para profesional seperti dokter atau perawat yang akan bekerja di negara pengguna British English.
·         Versi pelatihan umum diperuntukan mereka yang akan bekerja atau keperluan imigrasi (seperti pindah kewarganegaraan).

Materi tes IELTS ada 4, yaitu:
1.      listening (30 menit )
2.      reading (1 jam)
3.      writing (1 jam)
4.      speaking (12-15 menit).


TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Lenguage) adalah materi bahasa inggris yang mengajarkan bahasa inggris sebagai bahasa asing karena konteksnya bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa yang bukan bahasa dalam negeri atau bukan bahasa dasar di Indonesia oleh karena itu dalam materi TEFL disebutkan bahasa asing.
Perbedaan dari TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, TEFL :
1.      TOEFL bertujuan untuk menentukan kemampuan seseorang berbicara, membaca, memahami, dan menulis dengan cukup baik untuk mengikuti perkuliahan yang berbasis bahasa Inggris.
  1. TOEIC bertujuan untuk mengukur kemahiran seseorang dalam bahasa Inggris pada level intermediate (menengah) dan advance (lanjutan).
  2. IELTS bertujuan untuk menunjukkan standar tententu dalam bahasa inggris. Program IELTS dirancang untuk mereka yang ingin bekerja atau melanjutkan studi di luar negeri. IELTS ini diakui oleh institusi pendidikan di Inggris, Amerika Serikat, Australia, Selandia Baru, Hongkong, Irlandia, Afrika Selatan, dan sejumlah badan profesional lainnya di seluruh dunia.
  3. TEFL bertujuan untuk mengajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing berbeda dengan mengajar bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua. Pendekatan, metode, teknik dan strategi belajar mengajar semuanya disesuaikan dengan budaya masyarakat setempat.


Definition of Order Letter

An “Order” is an expense for the person placing the order and an income for the one getting it. But this is not all. The company that bags the order has to fulfill lot of commitments to ensure that it has a satisfied customer, which can be an individual or another company. Timely delivery of the order, quality of delivery and after sale service – are all part and parcel of getting an order.
An Order Letter is the one that is written by the person/company placing the request of purchase from another company. This letter comes into action only when a detailed study of the desired product has been done in the market and based on promised service, quality and price of the product, a decision for a purchase has been made.
An Order Letter should be drafted very carefully as it needs to pen down all the terms and conditions of the purchase for the benefit of both involved parties. It should have details such as product specifications, quantities, price agreed upon, delivery date, late delivery clauses, etc. It should be addressed to the person responsible for the execution of the order with a copy to the head of department. Since it is totally an official letter it should be typed.

Do and Do not of Order Letter
  • An Order Letter should be addressed to the person responsible for executing the order.
  • It should include all the terms and conditions agreed upon by both involved parties.
  • Since it is purely an official letter it should be typed out.
  • There is no need to use too many adjectives in the letter since it is purely for an order being placed.
  • The letter should have all relevant details related to the order, for example, quantity, price and other terms and conditions.
Sample of Order Letter :
Lisa Miller
100 Broadway Lane
New Parkland, CA, 91010
Cell: (555) 987-1234

Dear Mr. Martin,
I am writing to formally place an order for 100 pieces of your navy blue denim fabric sections (6 ft. x 20 ft. each) for a large manufacturing project for a priority client. The catalog number (from your September catalog) is 445-2221-05-NB. Please include your latest catalog with the order.
The initial order will be for 100 pieces of fabric. The unit price for each section of fabric is listed at $21 per yard. This brings the initial order total to $13,986 and the final total, including shipping, to $14,352. A check in this amount is enclosed. I would like a confirmation of receipt of this check emailed to me at example-email@example.com. Please ship the fabric to our receiving center at:
Seaside Manufacturing
1500 Riverfront Street
New Parkland, CA, 91010
Finally, I would like the order shipped UPS since I need this fabric ASAP. Tracking information can be sent directly to my phone at (555) 236-5451. If there are any additionally fees, please let me know and I will work out the payment details with you. Thank you for your time and prompt attention.
Lisa Miller
Purchasing Manager, Seaside Manufacturing

The Theory of Inquiry Letter

Definition of Inquiry letter
    A letter of request, also known as a letter or letters of interesting candidates, will be sent to the companies. Letter of request is a letter from a prospective buyer to the seller requesting information about the products offered. With the offer of the seller will potential buyers will know the price, and the sale and purchase, and a description of the goods or services to be purchased. This is the purpose of the prospective buyer a written request to the seller.

    When a prospective buyer has to know the condition of the goods / services following the price and terms of sale and purchase, of course he did not need to ask for a quote from the seller. Letter of inquiry required in formal trade demand formal procedures in writing. Letter of inquiry is often an early stage of the business transactions. Through a letter of inquiry to ask a potential buyer or to request information about the goods or services to be purchased. In reaction, the seller explained the things he wanted to know the buyer, the buyer did finally order and business transactions as the top buying and selling process.
In the letter of demand for the goods usually offer prospective buyers ask:
1. name and type of goods;
2. special characteristics (specifications) of goods, namely, the type, size, quality, capacity and others;
3. unit price.
4. Pieces;
5. method of payment;
6. means of delivery, and
7. ease that may be obtained by the buyer, such as guarantees and other

    In addition to the above mentioned potential buyers asking price lists and catalogs (if the items varied) and a technical description of the goods in the form of leaflets or brochures. For items that allow, prospective buyers can also request a sample of goods actually sent.
By letter of demand and supply of services, prospective buyers can ask:
1. the form of services that can be presented by the seller;
2. equipment used by the seller as a support (if any);
3. price;
4. pieces and
5. method of payment;

    In demand service offerings, potential buyers can also request a price list (according to the level of services to be provided). Usually all been included in the prospectus which has been prepared by the company selling services.
Inquiry should not only be submitted to one seller, but to some sellers. This step was taken so that the price list and the information collected will be compared with each other to determine which one best suit your desires and financial ability of prospective buyers.


Describe Trends

In business and everyday English, you sometimes have to describe changes in trends (movement or tendency), graphs, and diagrams.
In the business context, you may have to describe trends in reports, meetings, and presentations. In everyday life, you could describe changes in any subject because things change all the time!
Describing changes and trends generally consists of three parts:
  • Use a verb (or an adjective and a noun) to describe movement
  • Describe the speed or size of the movement
  • Explain the reason or consequence of the change
You can also view it this way: Verb + Speed or Size + Result/Reason/Consequence
Handphone Trends masa kini, Oppo
About OPPO

OPPO is a global electronics and technology service provider that delivers the latest and most exquisite mobile electronic devices in over 20 countries, including the United States, China, Australia and many countries throughout Europe, Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East and Africa. OPPO is dedicated to delivering customers with the most extraordinary mobile experience through meticulous designs and smart technology.

The Art of Technology

There’s an Art to Living Life.
At OPPO, we’re here for those that expect more from their smartphone than a run-of-the-mill experience.This is the reason for the dedication and effort we put into bringing users the very best, which is why we put as much effort into what our phones can do for you.
We are driven by our love for art. Our devotion and dedication to the art of technology is what inspires us to create beautiful products-inside and out. Everything is considered. From the tactile qualities to the aesthetic aspects of each of our devices; every angle, every color, every piece is meticulously crafted…so we are left with not just a remarkable looking device, but a cultivated experience.
We put as much thought and consideration into the designing of our products as one would into designing their own unique lifestyle, right down to the very minute of details. It is here, where the art of technology and life convene.
Reference         :


A group discussion is a planned conversation between three to 10 people on a selected topic, with a trained discussion leader. The purpose is to express opinions and gain information on the topic and learn from the other group participants.
Group discussion is an effective way to:
  • ·        Share ideas and broaden view points
  • ·        Stimulate interest in problems
  • ·        Help participants express their ideas
  • ·        Identify and explore a problem
  • ·        Create an informal atmosphere
  • ·        Get opinions from persons who hesitate to speak.

Preparing for a Discussion
Preparation is important to the success of any event. A discussion is no different. The following things encourage a good discussion to happen:

  • ·        The preferred seating arrangement is a circle, semicircle, U,or hollow square. All these formations allow everyone in the group to see one another.  
  • Make the room as comfortable as possible. Check the ventilation and lighting.
  • ·        Have paper and pencil ready to record main points.
  • ·        Start and end the discussion on time.
  • ·        Encourage informality and good humor. Permit friendly disagreement on the point under discussion, not among personalities.

Guidelines for a Discussion
If you participate in a discussion, the following guidelines will help you contribute effectively to the group:
  • ·        Be an active part of the group.
  • ·        Work to solve common problems.
  • ·        Discuss completely, but do not argue.
  • ·        Contribute ideas related to the subject of the discussion.
  • ·        Ask questions to clarify ideas.
  • ·        Be clear and brief.
  • ·        Listen and learn.
  • ·        Write down good ideas.
Leading a Discussion
If you lead a group discussion, the following guidelines will help you distinguish your role as the leader versus a participant:
  • ·        Help the group feel at ease. See that everyone knows everybody else.
  • ·        Give everyone a chance to talk. Let the person talking remain seated. More people will participate, and those talking will feel more at ease.
  • ·        Don’t allow anyone to monopolize the discussion. Interrupt the “speech maker” tactfully, and lead the discussion to another person.
·        Call on individuals who seem ready to talk rather than going around the circle.
  • ·        Direct rather than dominate the discussion by easing your self into the background when the group gets into the swing of it.
  • ·        Be sure the discussion is of interest to all the participants.
  • ·        Keep the discussion on track. If it gets sidetracked, bring it back to the main subject by suggesting more important points that need to be covered in the time allotted.
  • ·        If you feel that some important point is being neglected, mention it.
  •  Summarize periodically. Stop occasionally to review the points that have been made.
  • ·        Stick to the time limit. If there isn’t time to cover the subject sufficiently, mention this in your evaluation, and take action to correct this before the next group discussion.
  • ·        Keep spirits high. Encourage ease and informality. Let everyone have a good time. Don’t let the discussion drag or become boring.
  • ·        Quickly summarize the conclusions in such a way that everyone will realize the important facts brought out in the discussion.
Reference :


An Invitation to Offer is an act before an offer, in which one person induces another person to make an offer to him, it is known as invitation to offer. When appropriately responded by the other party, an invitation to offer results in an offer. It is made to the general public with intent to receive offers and negotiate the terms on which the contract is created.
The invitation to offer is made to inform the public, the terms and conditions on which a person is interested in entering into a contract with the other party. Although the former party is not an offeror as he is not making an offer instead, he is stimulating people to offer him. Therefore, the acceptance does not amount to a contract, but an offer. When the former party accepts, the offer made by the other parties, it becomes a contract, which is binding on the parties.
  • Menu card of a restaurant showing the prices of food items.
  • Railway timetable on which the train timings and fares are shown.
  • Government Tender
  • A Company invites application from public to subscribe for its shares.
  • Recruitment advertisement inviting application.


Personal presentation is all about marketing YOU, the brand that is you. 
 What others see you do and hear you say will influence their opinion of you – so personal presentation is about painting yourself in as positive a light as possible – always.
Organisations spend a lot of time and money working on their image, developing their brand and producing as many positive signals as possible.  Staff in organisations should know that everything they do is marketing for the organisation, every email they send, every phone call they take, every time they interact with a client or customer.  Organisations also spend a lot of time and money recruiting and training the right kind of people to project the right kind of image.
Your appearance and understanding of personal presentation techniques such as effective speaking and positive body language will enhance your communication skills and raise your confidence

Effective Communication
Personal presentation is about you and how you present yourself in everyday situations.  However, personal presentation always involves at least two people - the person presenting themselves (you) and the person receiving the presentation. It can therefore be described as an interaction. 
Personal presentation is concerned with conveying appropriate signals for the situation and for the other individuals involved.  People who lack self-esteem and confidence may fail to convey their message effectively or fully utilise their skills and abilities because of the way they present themselves.  By improving your personal presentation you improve your communication skills and reduce barriers to understanding.  Everybody presents themselves differently and most can improve their personal presentation.
Areas of Personal Presentation 
Self-Esteem and Confidence
Self-esteem is not a static thing; it varies based on numerous factors, different situations and the presence of different people, personal stress levels and change.  Think about how you value yourself and learn to manage the highs and lows of self-esteem, find ways of appearing more confident even when you are not and learn some powerful techniques to boost your self-esteem and learn about your personality.
Effective Speaking
Your voice says a lot about you and learning how to use it more effectively has many benefits.  Our Effective Speaking page examines aspects of your voice, accent, tone, pitch, volume and encourages you to learn more about your voice and how you use it to its full potential.  Learn to communicate more dynamically, fluently and with passion and enthusiasm.
Personal Appearance
The way you dress and take care of your general appearance are important factors in personal presentation, what messages does the way you dress send to others?  Your personal appearance also includes the body language, gestures and other non-verbal messages that you use.  By being aware of positive and negative non-verbal signals you can improve your image and the way people perceive you.
Time Management:
If you don't manage your time wisely you are less likely to be able to get everything done effectively. You are also more likely to be disorganised and run late for meetings or other appointments. Poor time management has an effect on how you are perceived by others. Learn some simple techniques to help you improve your time management skills, get more done and avoid being late.


Opinion includes the words of opinion and argument/ reasons.
·         Opinion dialogue is a dialog consists of two persons or more who have opinion each others. It can use the expressions, such as in my opinion, in my view, I think etc.
·         Argument dialogue is a dialog that states the arguments or reasons. It can use the words such as first, second etc for arranging arguments.

Asking Opinion
·         Have you got any comments on …..
·         Do you have any idea?
·         Do you have any opinion on ……
·         Would you give me your opinion on……….?
·         What is your reaction to ……
·         What is your opinion about……….?
·         What are you feeling about………….?
·         What are your views on……….?
Please give me your frank opinion?
·         What do you think of…….?
·         What do you think about………?
·         What is your opinion?
·         Why do they behave like that?
·         Do you think it’s going?
·         How do you like?
·         How was the trip?
·         How do you think of Rina’s idea ?
How do you feel about this dicition?

Giving Opinions
·         I personally believe …..
·         I personally consider ….
·         I personally think /feel ….
·         I hold the opinion ….
·         My own view of the matter is ……
·         Well, personally …….
If I had my view, I would …..
·         I think I like it.
·         I don’t think I care for it.
·         I think it’s good/nice/terrific……..
·         I think that awful/ not nice/ terrible…………
·         I don’t think much of it.
·         I think that……..
·         In my opinion, I would rather……….
·         In my case …..
·         What I’m more concerned with ….
·         What I have in my mind is………
·         The way I see is that…………
·         No everyone will agree with me, but ….
·         To my mind …..
From my point of view ….

Dialog Example
Mr. Zoe  :  What do you think of my new house?
Shane     :  It is beautiful. I think. Oh you have many novels in your new house.
Mr. Zoe  :  Yeah, some. I like Andrea Hirata’s novels.
Shane     :  How do you feel about Andrea Hirata’s novels ?
Mr. Zoe  :  I feel they are great novels.
Shane     :  Yes, you are right. I think it is going to rain.
Mr. Zoe  : I don’t think so. Look outside at the sky! It’s so clear. No clouds there.
Shane     : But I watched the weather forecast yesterday. It said that today is going
to rain. OK Mr. Zoe see you.

Reference :
